Festival Buka Jalan (www.bukakolektif.blogspot.com) akan berlangsung pada 25, 26 dan 27 Februari 2011 ini. Festival Buka Jalan merupakan acara festival seni pertunjukan (performance art) yang menampilkan 16 orang seniman tempatan dan antarabangsa. Berbagai program menarik dirancang untuk festival ini termasuklah bengkel, bicara seni dan seni pertunjukan.
Seni pertunjukan dapat dianggap sebagai bentuk kesenian tampak yang bersifat ekperimental dan semasakini. Ia selalu menggunakan imajan yang kuat, bahan-bahan tempatan dan tubuh manusia. Ia dapat dipertunjukkan di mana saja, apakah ia galeri seni, di jalanan atau di kompleks beli-belah. Seni pertunjukan berpotensi menemui khalayak dengan cara yang berbeza daripada bentuk kesenian benda objek yang konvensional, seperti lukisan dan arca.
Melalui seni pertunjukan, kita dapat mengungkapkan pernyataan yang berani, lucu atau bererti yang merentas sempadan dan membawa berbagai masyarakat dalam rasa kebersamaan.
Ramai seniman seni tampak (visual art) Malaysia telah ikut menyertai festival-festival seni pertunjukan antarabangsa di Asia, Eropah dan Amerika Utara. Terdapat juga acara-acara seni pertunjukan tempatan. Namun, Malaysia belum pernah lagi menganjurkan festival seni pertunjukan awamnya sendiri. Dengan sokongan pihak Balai Seni Lukis Negara yang bermurah hati mendokong, ianya akan menjadi usaha sederhana kami untuk memulakan festival seni pertunjukan antarabangsa yang pertama di Malaysia, terbuka untuk orang awam.
Acara Seni Pertunjukan Buka Jalan
16 orang seniman pertunjukan dari dalam dan luar negara akan mempersembahkan seni pertunjukan masing-masing, selama dua hari.
Rujuk www.bukakolektif.blogspot.com untuk jadual lengkap para seniman dan hari persembahannya.
Tarikh: 26 dan 27 Februari, 2011
Masa: 5-11 Malam
Tempat: Balai Seni Lukis Negara,
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Senarai seniman:
1. Aisyah Baharudin (Malaysia)
2. Avroco Nasir (Malaysia)
3. Akbar a.ka. Bebe ( Malaysia/Indonesia)
4.Chai Qing Sonnerberg (China)
5. Chi Too (Malaysia)
6. Eric Scott Nelson (USA)
7. Fared Ayam (Malaysia)
8. Jacklyn Soo (Singapore)
9. Jumaadi (Indonesia)
10.Padungsak Kochsomrong (Thailand)
11.Paisan Plienbangchang (Thailand)
12.Ray Lagenbach (Malaysia / USA)
13.Tan Zi Hao (Malaysia)
14.Varsha Nair (India)
15.Wong Eng Leong (Malaysia)
16.Zoncy Zon Sapal Phyu (Myanmar)
Buka Party@MapKL
-Acara seni pertunjukan oleh Jerk Kerouac, Chi Too dan David Lim. Buka Party membuka peluang untuk khalayak ikut terlibat membuat pertunjukan terbuka atau merespon situasi dan keadaan. Bukan parti politik, tetapi kenduri selamat datang untuk para seniman dari dalam dan luar negara. Juga untuk komuniti seniman saling berkenalan, bertukar-tukar pendapat dan bergembira bersama dalam semangat merayakan kesenian.
Tarikh: 25 Februari 2011
Masa: 8 - 11 malam.
Tempat: Level G2-01,
Block A5 Solaris Dutamas 1,
Jalan Dutamas 1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Buka Bengkel oleh Chai Qing Sonnerberg
Bagi para mahasiswa seni, peminat dan pengamal kesenian pertunjukan, anda diundang untuk menyertai bengkel kendalian seniman Chai Ging Sonnerberg, seniman asal China. Penyertaan percuma, tempat terhad, pendaftaran hantar emel segera ke bukakolektif@gmail.com.
Tarikh: 26 Februari 2011
Masa: 10 - 12 tengahari.
Tempat: Auditorium, Balai Seni Lukis Negara
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Chai Qing pernah menetap dan bekerja sebagai seniman indipenden di Eropah dan kota New York sejak tahun 1989. Sekarang Qing menjawat kedudukan Profesor Madya di School of Art, Design and Media, NTU, Singapura. Pada tahun 2009 dia menerima markah A Class, mendapat anugerah mahasiswa terbaik PhD dari China Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, China .
Sebagai seniman kontemporer, dia menggunakan seni pertunjukan, video dan visual untuk mengungkapkan perasaan dan menjelaskan gagasannya. Konsep seni dalam kebanyakan karyanya ialah "Pemantau dan dipantau". Dia meminati orang-orang yang datang dari berbagai latar belakang pada berbagai masyarakat. Dia juga menikmati pergaulannya dengan berbagai macam manusia dan selalu mendapat inspirasi dari mereka. Chai Qing terus produktif dan kreatif dalam berkesenian, beliau juga mengkuratorkan beberapa acara kesenian yang penting. Pada tahun 1998, dia menjadi kurator bersama untuk pameran seni kontemporari China yang pertama di ruang swasta iaitu pameran "Trace of Existence", yang mana dia turut mempamerkan karya seni tampak persembahan berjudul "cultivating". Pada tahun 2008, dia menjadi kurator pertunjukan berjudul “Construction before Destruction”, acara seni tampak persembahan yang terakhir sebelum desa seni Sifo, di China mengalami proses pemodenan
Buka Presentasi
-Acara perbincangan, bicara seni dan forum ilmiah. Ia menampilkan:
1) Sidang meja bulat oleh Ray Lagenbach (MFA, PhD)
Seniman antarabangsa dan ilmuwan seni pertunjukan Ray Lagenbach akan menjadi moderator dalam sesi perbincangan antara dirinya dengan para seniman berkenaan dengan pengalaman, refleksi festival-festival seni pertunjukan di seluruh dunia, yang pernah disertai mereka. Dipersilakan hadir khalayak yang berminat untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut lagi berhubung gerakan, bentuk-bentuk dan keadaan festival seni pertunjukan yang dianjurkan di seluruh dunia. Forum ini turut mengundang kritikan, pandangan atau ulasan berhubung festival Buka Jalan juga.
Tarikh: 26 Februari 2011
Masa: 3-4 petang
Tempat: Auditorium, Balai Seni Lukis Negara
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ray Langenbach berasal dari Boston, Amerika Syarikat, kini menetap dan bekerja di Kuala Lumpur. "Teori performs" oleh Lagenbach memfokuskan pada fenomena dan propaganda. Hasil-hasil karya video, instalasi dan pertunjukannya telah dipersembahkan di Singapore Film Festival, Philippines Film Festival, Film Festival of the South, Norway; Cultural Center of the Philippines, the Singapore Art Museum, the National Art Gallery of Malaysia, Whitney Museum of Art (New York), Museum of Neon Art (Los Angeles), LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), Nevada Museum of Art (Reno), National Centre for the Arts (Mumbai), Artspace (Sydney), 3rd Werkleitz Biennial-Germany, Asia Pacific Triennale, Gwangju Biennale.
Langenbach seorang kurator dan menulis teori budaya. Dia telah menerbitkan tulisannya di Art Asia Pacific, Artlink, Asian Art News, Afterimage. Dia berkhidmat sebagai Singapore Editorial Consultant for World Art. Sekarang beliau mengajar di School of Performance + Media, Sunway University College
2) Presentasi karya-karya Varsha Nair
Seniman seni visual berasal dari India, dan kini menetap di Thailand ini akan menyampaikan presentasi karya-karya seni pertunjukannya.
Tarikh: 27 Februari 2011
Masa: 10-11 pagi
Tempat: Auditorium, Balai Seni Lukis Negara
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Varsha Nair menetap di Bangkok, Thailand. Pameran-pameran terpilihnya termasuklah Still Moving Image, Devi Art Foundation, New Delhi, 2008; A Proper Place, Ryllega Gallery, Hanoi, 2007; Art as Environment: Cultural Actions on Tropic of Cancer 2007, Taiwan; Exquisite Crisis & Encounters, NYU, New York, 2007; Subjected Culture-Interruptions and resistances on femaleness, bertempat Argentina 2007-2008; Sub-Contingent: The Indian Subcontinent in Contemporary Art, Fondazion Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy, 2006; In-between places, meeting point, Si-am Art Space, Bangkok, 2005; Video as Urban Condition, Austrian Culture Forum, London, UK, 2004, With(in), Art In General, New York, 2002; Home/Dom, Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 2002; Free Parking, Art Center, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 2002. Beliau mempamerkan On the Move, Hong Kong, 2008; Khoj Live Performance Festival, Delhi, 2008; Saturday Live, Tate Modern London, 2006; National Review of Live Art, 2006 and 2004; National Review of Live Art Midland, Perth, Australia, 2005.
Sejak tahun 1997, Nair turut menjadi kurator dan menganjurkan Womanifesto (www.womanifesto.com
sila rujuk www.varshashavar.com
3) Presentasi Festival Asiatopia oleh Padungsak Kochsomrong
Ia menyorot Festival Asiatopia di Thailand, yang telah berjaya dianjurkan buat kali yang ke 12 pada tahun lalu. The Asiatopia International Performance Art Festival merupakan antara festival seni pertunjukan yang terpenting di rantau Asia.
Tarikh: 27 Februari 2011
Masa: 11 pagi - 12 tengahari
Tempat: Auditorium, Balai Seni Lukis Negara
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Padungsak Kochsomrong lahir di Bangkok pada tahun 1964. Dia menerima ijazah BFA in Painting dari Faculty of Fine Art, Chiang Mai University. Pada tahun1991 dia mendapat Ijazah Sarjana Masters degree dalam bidang Pendidikan Seni di Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University di Bangkok pada tahun 1999. Selaku Pengarah Studio Xang, Chiang Mai, Ahli Lembaga Pengarah MAP Foundation, dia menggalakan inisiatif yang menggabungkan seni, pendidikan dan kegiatan masyarakat.
Padungsak, seorang seniman seni pertunjukan dan Ketua Jabatan Lukisan, Fakulti Seni Halus di Chiang Mai University. Dia merupakan salah seorang penganjur dan kerap menyertai festival seni tampak persembahan, The Asiatopia International Performance Art Festival.
5) Buka Forum
Perbincangan, penilaian, ulasan dan kritikan festival Buka Jalan.
Moderator: Sharon Chin
Tarikh: Isnin, 28 Februari 2011
Masa: 8-10 malam
Sharon Chin lahir pada tahun 1980,di Kuala Lumpur, tempat tinggalnya kini. Sharon mendapat pendidikan seni halus, pengkhususan bidang seni arca dari Victoria College of Art, Melbourne, Australia. Dia bekerja dengan teks dan arca, terutamanya dalam seni pemasangan di ruang khusus. Karya-karyanya melihat bagaimana kita merundingkan geografi, sejarah, hubungan manusia dan bahasa dalam imaginasi masa kini. Gerakan terbarunya terjun ke dunia seni video dan seni tampak persembahan meneroka kebarangkalian seni sebagai strategi komunikasi. Dia mempamerkan karya-karyanya di dalam dan luar negara. Dia ikut terlibat dengan Incheon Women's Art Biennale 2009, juga program residensi seni di Sapporo, Jepun, anjuran Japan Foundation JENESYS. Menambah amalan keseniannya, dia sering menulis berkenaan hal seni. Sharon sama-sama menubuhkan dan menjadi editor pengurusan ARTERI (www.arterimalaysia.com), sebuah laman web yang didedikasikan untuk seni budaya di Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara.
Buka Kolektif
Buka Kolektif is proud to present BUKA JALAN International Performance Art Festival from 25 – 28 February 2011 at the National Art Gallery of Malaysia. The festival brings together 16 international and local artists in an exciting program that includes workshops, talks and performances.
Considered an experimental and contemporary visual art from, performance art often uses strong imagery, local materials and the human body. It can be presented anywhere, be it an art gallery, the street or a shopping mall. As such, it has the potential to reach audiences in completely different ways than conventional object-based art such as painting or sculpture.
Through performance art, we can make daring, humorous or insightful statements that cut across boundaries and bring different communities together.
Many Malaysian visual artists have participated in international performance art festivals in Asia, Europe and North America. There have also been some local performance art events. However, Malaysia has yet to organize a public performance art festival of its own. With the generous support of the National Art Gallery, this will be our modest effort to start the first international performance art festival in Malaysia that is open to the public.
BUKA JALAN: 2 Nights of Performance Art
BUKA JALAN: 2 Nights of Performance Art
Over the weekend, 16 local and international artists will present their performance art works at different sites in and around the National Art Gallery.
Date : 26 (SAT) and 27 (SUN) February 2011
Time : 5.00 - 11.00 pm
Venue : National Art Gallery,
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200, Kuala Lumpur
Featuring the following artists:
1. Aisyah Baharudin (Malaysia)
2. Avroco Nasir (Malaysia)
3. Akbar a.ka. Bebe (Malaysia/Indonesia)
4.Chai Qing Sonnerberg (China)
5. Chi Too (Malaysia)
6. Eric Scott Nelson (USA)
7. Fared Ayam (Malaysia)
8. Jacklyn Soo (Singapore)
9. Jumaadi (Indonesia)
10.Padungsak Kochsomrong (Thailand)
11.Paisan Plienbangchang (Thailand)
12.Ray Lagenbach (Malaysia / USA)
13.Tan Zi Hao (Malaysia)
14.Varsha Nair (India)
15.Wong Eng Leong (Malaysia)
16.Zoncy Zon Sapal Phyu (Myanmar)
We'll be toasting BUKA JALAN at our prelude and welcome night, BUKA Performance Party. This is not a political party, it is a welcoming party for the participating artists, both local and international. A chance for the art community to know each other better, share thoughts and have fun together in the spirit of celebrating art! Featuring performance art happenings by Jerk Kerouac, David Lim & Aidira Khaidir and Chi Too. Buka Party also invites anyone present to participate or respond in a performance art open ‘jam’. Join us for happy chaos!
Date : 25 (FRI) February 2011
Time : 8.00 - 11.30 pm
Venue: White Box- MAP @ Publika,
Level G2-01, Block A5, Solaris Dutamas
Jalan Dutamas 1,
50480 Kuala Lumpur
BUKA BENGKEL: Performance Art Workshop by Chai Qing Sonnerberg
Everyone is welcome to take part in this workshop conducted by renowned contemporary artist from China, Chai Qing Sonnerberg. Participation is free of charge. Limited places, please register now at bukakolektif@gmail.com.
Date : 26 (SAT) February 2011
Everyone is welcome to take part in this workshop conducted by renowned contemporary artist from China, Chai Qing Sonnerberg. Participation is free of charge. Limited places, please register now at bukakolektif@gmail.com.
Date : 26 (SAT) February 2011
Time : 10 am to 12 pm
Venue: National Art Gallery,
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200, Kuala Lumpur
About the artist:
He uses performance, installation, video and images to reveal his feelings and explain his ideas. The concept in most of his art is ‘observe and be observed’. He is interested in people of various backgrounds in different societies. He enjoys interacting with different people and is often inspired by them.
In addition to being an artist, Cai Qing has also curated several important art shows. In 1998 he has co-curated Trace of Existence, China’s first contemporary art exhibition in a private space, where he also showed his performance Cultivating. Long March trough Europe (2005, Kassel, Germany) was a collaborative effort between several artists who utilized the Red Army to symbolize the revolutionary Chinese spirit in the western contemporary art world. Drift (2005, New York) was a show dealing with homeless people and refugees. In 2008 he curated Construction before Destruction, the last performance show in Sifo art village before its modernization by local authorities.
Performance Art Festivals - A Roundtable Discussion
Moderated by Ray Langenbach (MFA, PhD)
Performance Art Festivals - A Roundtable Discussion
Moderated by Ray Langenbach (MFA, PhD)
International artist and scholar on performance art, Ray Langenbach will moderate a conversation between participating artists on their experiences of performance art festivals around the world.
Date : 26 (SAT) February 2011
Time : 2.00 - 4.00 pm
Venue: National Art Gallery,
About the moderator:
Ray Langenbach (MFA, PhD) is originally from Boston, now living and working in Kuala Lumpur. Langenbach “performs theory, ” focusing on cognitive phenomena & propaganda. His video works, installations and performances have been presented in the Singapore Film Festival, Philippines Film Festival, Film Festival of the South, Norway, Cultural Center of the Philippines, the Singapore Art Museum, the National Art Gallery of Malaysia, Whitney Museum of Art (New York), Museum of Neon Art (Los Angeles), LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), Nevada Museum of Art (Reno), National Centre for the Arts (Mumbai), Artspace (Sydney), 3rd Werkleitz Biennial-Germany, Asia Pacific Triennale, Gwangju Biennale and others. Langenbach curates and writes cultural theory. He has published in Art Asia Pacific, Artlink, Asian Art News and Afterimage. He served as Singapore Editorial Consultant for World Art, and appears in several collections including ‘House of Glass: Culture, Modernity and the State’ in Southeast Asia, Oxford Dictionary of Performance (2004).
Ray Langenbach is currently lecturing at School of Performance + Media, Sunway University College, Malaysia.
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200, Kuala Lumpur
About the moderator:
Ray Langenbach (MFA, PhD) is originally from Boston, now living and working in Kuala Lumpur. Langenbach “performs theory, ” focusing on cognitive phenomena & propaganda. His video works, installations and performances have been presented in the Singapore Film Festival, Philippines Film Festival, Film Festival of the South, Norway, Cultural Center of the Philippines, the Singapore Art Museum, the National Art Gallery of Malaysia, Whitney Museum of Art (New York), Museum of Neon Art (Los Angeles), LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), Nevada Museum of Art (Reno), National Centre for the Arts (Mumbai), Artspace (Sydney), 3rd Werkleitz Biennial-Germany, Asia Pacific Triennale, Gwangju Biennale and others. Langenbach curates and writes cultural theory. He has published in Art Asia Pacific, Artlink, Asian Art News and Afterimage. He served as Singapore Editorial Consultant for World Art, and appears in several collections including ‘House of Glass: Culture, Modernity and the State’ in Southeast Asia, Oxford Dictionary of Performance (2004).
Ray Langenbach is currently lecturing at School of Performance + Media, Sunway University College, Malaysia.
BUKA PRESENTATION 02: Artist Talk by Varsha Nair
Varsha Nair, an internationally renowned visual and performance artist will talk about her works and projects.
Date : 27 (SUN) February 2011
Time : 11.00AM - 12.00PM
Time : 11.00AM - 12.00PM
Venue: National Art Gallery,
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200, Kuala Lumpur
About the artist:
Varsha Nair lives in Bangkok, Thailand. Her selected shows include Still Moving Image, Devi Art Foundation, New Delhi (2008); A Proper Place, Ryllega Gallery, Hanoi (2007); Art as Environment: Cultural Actions on Tropic of Cancer, Taiwan (2007); Exquisite Crisis & Encounters, NYU, New York (2007); Subjected Culture-Interruptions and Resistances on Femaleness, venues in Argentina (2007-2008); Sub-Contingent: The Indian Subcontinent in Contemporary Art, Fondazion Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy (2006); In-between Places, Meeting Point, Si-am Art Space, Bangkok (2005); Video as Urban Condition, Austrian Culture Forum, London, UK (2004), With(in), Art In General, New York (2002); Home/Dom, Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina (2002); Free Parking, Art Center, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (2002). She performed at On the Move, Hong Kong (2008); Khoj Live Performance Festival, Delhi (2008); Saturday Live, Tate Modern London (2006); National Review of Live Art (2004, 2006); National Review of Live Art Midland, Perth, Australia (2005).
Since 1997, Nair has also curated and organized Womanifesto (www.womanifesto.com) and other art related activities, and been invited as speaker at various international symposia. She was the Bangkok curator for 600 Images/60 artists/6 curators/6 cities: Bangkok/Berlin/London/Los Angeles/Manila/Saigon, an exhibition that was simultaneously exhibited in all 6 cities in 2005.
Born in Kampala, Uganda, Nair has a BFA from Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayaji Rao University, Baroda, India.
Asiatopia International Performance Art Festival by Padungsak Kochsomrong
Now in its 12th year, Asiatopia is one of the most important performance art festivals in Asia. Artist, educator and festival organizer Padungsak Kochsomrong tells us more about Asiatopia and performance art in neighboring Thailand.
Date : 27 (SUN) February 2011
Time : 2:00 – 3:00PM
Venue : Auditorium, National Art Gallery
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
About the artist:
Varsha Nair lives in Bangkok, Thailand. Her selected shows include Still Moving Image, Devi Art Foundation, New Delhi (2008); A Proper Place, Ryllega Gallery, Hanoi (2007); Art as Environment: Cultural Actions on Tropic of Cancer, Taiwan (2007); Exquisite Crisis & Encounters, NYU, New York (2007); Subjected Culture-Interruptions and Resistances on Femaleness, venues in Argentina (2007-2008); Sub-Contingent: The Indian Subcontinent in Contemporary Art, Fondazion Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy (2006); In-between Places, Meeting Point, Si-am Art Space, Bangkok (2005); Video as Urban Condition, Austrian Culture Forum, London, UK (2004), With(in), Art In General, New York (2002); Home/Dom, Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina (2002); Free Parking, Art Center, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (2002). She performed at On the Move, Hong Kong (2008); Khoj Live Performance Festival, Delhi (2008); Saturday Live, Tate Modern London (2006); National Review of Live Art (2004, 2006); National Review of Live Art Midland, Perth, Australia (2005).
Since 1997, Nair has also curated and organized Womanifesto (www.womanifesto.com) and other art related activities, and been invited as speaker at various international symposia. She was the Bangkok curator for 600 Images/60 artists/6 curators/6 cities: Bangkok/Berlin/London/Los Angeles/Manila/Saigon, an exhibition that was simultaneously exhibited in all 6 cities in 2005.
Born in Kampala, Uganda, Nair has a BFA from Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayaji Rao University, Baroda, India.
Asiatopia International Performance Art Festival by Padungsak Kochsomrong
Now in its 12th year, Asiatopia is one of the most important performance art festivals in Asia. Artist, educator and festival organizer Padungsak Kochsomrong tells us more about Asiatopia and performance art in neighboring Thailand.
Date : 27 (SUN) February 2011
Time : 2:00 – 3:00PM
Venue : Auditorium, National Art Gallery
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
About the artist:
Padungsak Kochsomrong was born in Bangkok in 1964. He received a BFA in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Art, Chiang Mai University in 1991 and a Masters degree in Art Education at the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok in 1999. As the Director of Studio Xang, Chiang Mai, Board member of MAP Foundation, he champions initiatives that combine art, education, and activism.
Padungsak is also a practicing artist and Head of Painting Department, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. He has performed and exhibited widely, nationally and internationally. He is an organizer and frequent participant of The Asiatopia International Performance Art Festival held annually in Bangkok and Chiang Mai since 1998.
BUKA FORUM: Festival Post MortemPadungsak Kochsomrong was born in Bangkok in 1964. He received a BFA in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Art, Chiang Mai University in 1991 and a Masters degree in Art Education at the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok in 1999. As the Director of Studio Xang, Chiang Mai, Board member of MAP Foundation, he champions initiatives that combine art, education, and activism.
Padungsak is also a practicing artist and Head of Painting Department, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. He has performed and exhibited widely, nationally and internationally. He is an organizer and frequent participant of The Asiatopia International Performance Art Festival held annually in Bangkok and Chiang Mai since 1998.
Moderated by Buka Kolektif member Sharon Chin.
An open forum inviting reflection, evaluation and critique of Buka Jalan International Performance Art Festival 2011. Organizers will speak about their experiences and challenges. All are welcome to give their feedback.
Date : 28 (MON) February 2011
Time : 7:30 – 9:30PM
Venue: Auditorium, National Art Gallery
2, Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
About the moderator:
Sharon Chin was born in Kuala Lumpur in 1980, where she is now based. She graduated from the Victoria College of Art, Melbourne, Australia. Working with text and sculpture especially in site-specific installations, her work looks at how we negotiate geography, history, human relations and language in the contemporary imagination. Recent forays into video and performance explore the possibilities of art as a communication strategy. She has exhibited locally and abroad. Recently, she participated in Incheon Women's Art Biennale 2009, as well as a two-month residency in Sapporo under the Japan Foundation JENESYS programme. In addition to her art practice, she writes regularly on art. She is co-founder and managing editor of ARTERI, a website dedicated to arts and culture in Malaysia and South East Asia.
Contact us at: (email) bukakolektif@gmail.com
(facebook) Buka Kolektif
(Twitter) bukakolektif